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This limited print, titled "Filling the Pond" by an unknown contemporary artist, is a unique and intriguing piece of art. The print features a pond in shades of grey and white, with an abstract man standing beside it. The man has tall, thin legs and a strange shadow that adds an element of mystery to the piece.

The pond is filled with water, and there is a single fish swimming in it.

The print has a sketch-like quality, with visible lines and brushstrokes adding texture and depth to the image. The signature of the artist is hard to read, but the print is marked as a B.A.T. (bon à tirer), indicating that it is one of a limited number of prints approved by the artist.

Overall, "Filling the Pond" is a thought-provoking piece of contemporary art that leaves the viewer with many questions. Who is the abstract man? What does the strange shadow represent? Why is there only one fish in the pond? The limited print and unique style of the piece make it a valuable addition to any collection.

Filling the pond by unknown contemporary artist

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